Sunday, June 2, 2013

boyfriends on wzw

So i decided to give you guys advice on boyfriends on wzw because on wzw many boys will ask u if ur single (if you are not getting any questions like that start following secrects fashion tips) That means they only looking at wat you look like not what you are acually like.
So if u say yes and they ask u out when your on your date if they try to kiss u the first minute without talking to u then u should dump theme
if they try to get to know u it means they want to be with u cuz of u not ur looks

I'm telling u this cause there are many gold diggers now this can go both ways for guys and girls. Some times they want to "date" you for your wooz so dont let that happen

  Ok mes petits papillons its time for a test and no its not like normal tests dont worry

does your boyfriend/girlfriend know 5 things about you most people don't?
  • Yes
  • no
does your boyfriend/girlfriend never ask for clothes or wooz?
  • yes
  • no
does your boyfriend/girlfriend kiss you in the first 10 minutes of your 1 date?
  • yes
  • no
does your boyfriend/girlfriend never ask you questions about yourself?
  • yes
  • no

    ~Qetseh <3

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