Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's me (again) lol :D so pancakes..... hows it cooking? ;) well it better be cooking hot 'cuz its about to get steaming up in here!!!!!! SO ya'll know about fashion (hopefully) well, i'm here again to talk about most likely your favorite topic in woozworld XD anyways... I'm gonna host a competition!!! That's right! a competition! after all, I'm just the crazy chick that's trying to give you advice about fashion... ALRIGHT!! So, i need you to send me a fashion article of you own!!!!! Maybe some make over transformations? Or.. you own wonderful fashion tips and tricks? IDK 

So, here's the rules & how to enter:
1. Think of ur topic and type it up... you can use pictures with it too!
2. email me at
3. hope for the best!!!!!
that simple.

The Winner will have their article posted on the blog & have a shout out!!! 


-XoXo Secrect

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